Academy The Astral Method


Channeling is a key tool for our development as human beings in these times. Channeling will help you integrate your learning in the Academy and in the journey of Astrology as well as it will guide you towards navigating your life with the most awareness possible. It is really a life changing experience as itCHANNELING CLASS PART 1

28 students enrolled

Channeling is a key tool for our development as human beings in these times. Channeling will help you integrate your learning in the Academy and in the journey of Astrology as well as it will guide you towards navigating your life with the most awareness possible. It is really a life changing experience as it gives you a new perspective on your reality. It shifts absolutely EVERYTHING. And if you’re wondering if you’re ready or if it’s your time to learn, I assure you that if you weren’t ready, you wouldn’t be here, and the opportunity wouldn’t have presented itself. Trust, your time is NOW.

For this class, you’ll need a candle, your notebook, a sacred space, and lots of love. I recommend avoiding heavy meats and eating very light on Sunday to arrive with open energy to receive.

Enjoy this class and I will read you in the Forum!

With love,

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