Academy The Astral Method


We’re entering into eclipse season, and we’re READY for the energetic accelerator that propels us towards lessons connecting us with our life purpose. Remember, eclipse season is a revolving portal where people come into and go out of our lives, and the lessons are karmic. They involve soul contracts and soul ties. The people whoECLIPSES 2024 – KARMIC LESSONS AND PREDICTIONS

16 students enrolled

We’re entering into eclipse season, and we’re READY for the energetic accelerator that propels us towards lessons connecting us with our life purpose. Remember, eclipse season is a revolving portal where people come into and go out of our lives, and the lessons are karmic. They involve soul contracts and soul ties. The people who are entering or exiting our lives right now will bring very important lessons and processes of understanding into our lives, and those events promoted during eclipse season connect us with our purpose here on Earth. So, let’s keep our eyes and hearts wide open and ready to put into practice everything we’ve learned. Let’s allow the portal to open and the energy to accelerate, flowing with it to a new destination.

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