Academy The Astral Method

The Solar Return or Solar Revolution

The Solar Return, also known as a ‘solar revolution,’ is a technique in astrology that involves calculating the position of the planets at the exact moment when the Sun returns to the same position in the sky as it had at the moment of your birth. This occurs approximately once a year, around your birthday.The Solar Return or Solar Revolution

12 students enrolled

The Solar Return, also known as a ‘solar revolution,’ is a technique in astrology that involves calculating the position of the planets at the exact moment when the Sun returns to the same position in the sky as it had at the moment of your birth. This occurs approximately once a year, around your birthday.

The solar return chart is interpreted to gain insights into the predominant energies and themes that will be present in your life during the upcoming year until your next birthday. In this class, you will learn the keys to be able to read YOUR OWN solar return, so you won’t need astrologers and can interpret your own path for the new year that you are starting.

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